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Elite Sheep
The Life Cycle

Dry Stock


  • Maintain ewes at a lower body condition as they are inactive (2.0-2.5)


Mineral Nutrition

  • Maintain body reserves ready for production


Vaccines/Drenches – refer to farm protocol, products listed are only possible options.

  • Provide the appropriate vaccines

    • Pestiguard

    • Ultra vac

    • 7 in 1

    • 5 in 1​


National Feed Solutions Products

Elite Sheep Green Feed Lick - LABEL.png
Elite Sheep 25 Dry Feed Lick - LABEL (1).png

Replacement Stock


  • Provide loose licks and supplementary feed in accordance to feed on offer.

  • Depending on the type of feed available, feed either the Elite Sheep Green Feed Lick or the Elite Sheep Dry Feed Lick.


Mineral Nutrition

  • Focus on a strong framed animal with muscle development. Support the growth of your replacements to invest in a longer future.


Target weights

  • Identify your target growth rates and develop appropriate feed program. Strategically use supplementary feeding if applicable i.e.

    • Elite Sheep 125 Concentrate Pellet

    • Elite Sheep 250 Concentrate Pellet

    • Elite Sheep Feedlot 40 Pellet


National Feed Solutions Products

Elite Sheep Green Feed Lick - LABEL.png
Elite Sheep 25 Dry Feed Lick - LABEL (1).png
National Feeds - 125.png
National Feeds - 250.png

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Contact us for any further info about any of our Products or Services

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